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Did you know that not everything that looks, sounds, feels, and manifest like the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit.


“Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭7‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Just because people say “the presence of the Lord is here,” doesn’t mean the presence of the Lord is there. A presence is there, but are you discerning the SPIRIT OF TRUTH or just accepting any presence.

The enemy will present himself as an angel of light meaning it looks like the light, but isn’t. It sounds like the light, but it’s not.

The enemy can even speak in tongues or use someone to speak in tongues out of their flesh. I know that’s shocking to some, but we MUST HAVE spiritual discernment in this hour and not just say everything is the Spirit of God because it sounds, looks, and feels like the Spirit of God.

So many think they “know” but that’s why it’s called deception. You will think you know, but won’t. The Bible says the ELECT will be deceived.

DO NOT RECIEVE it just because it sounds like a tongues message or word from the Lord, looks like a moving of the spirit, feels like the presence of the Lord. Paul says test ALL SPIRITS! All means ALL!! Not just one time, but each time, everytime. Test it! Ask the Lord if it’s Him. He says seek and you will find Him. SEEK HIM IN EVERYTHING!

I believe you’ll be surprised that it’s not Him majority of the time. He moves intimately and doesn’t parade Himself around to anything and everything. HE IS HOLY!!

Are we just acccepting something that looks, sounds, and feels l

ke a familiar spirit or is it the actual SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

Everyone wants to grow in discernment. Let’s GROW! Don’t be deceived!

Lord, I pray that you will open the eyes of your people to properly discern that in which mimics your spirit. Show your people the truth and help them as they learn to better guard their gates. In Jesus mighty name! Amen

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