As I was looking up scriptures on THE GREAT COMMISSION this morning for a project, I read Matthew 28:17 and noticed something I never had before.
It says in the previous verse, that the eleven "disciples" (notice he didn't refer to them as Apostles yet) went to Galilee to the mountain where Jesus had instructed them to go.
For all those who say in their spiritual pride, "I don't have to go anywhere to receive from the Lord, he can speak to me right here." How's that going for you? Are you growing? If I had to guess, He will more than likely require you to go somewhere to receive your next level of glory just to crucify your pride. Just saying.
Sometimes you need to be at a certain place to receive the word of the Lord, an impartation, a gift, a mantle, etc. Read your bible, all of it. Elijah told Elisha, ONLY IF YOU ARE WHERE I AM will you catch a double portion of my mantle. That's just one example.
Verse 17 says, when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. WOW! They followed his instruction, went where he said to go, saw Him face to face, worshiped him, and STILL DOUBTED.
Even in their doubt he told them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe (which means to notice or perceive and register it as being significant) all that he had commanded them. Then reminds them that even though I won't be with you in the flesh, I'll be with you in spirit. Just GO!
This was a test to see if they would steward the mantle of an Apostle. They were still disciples, being trained, but would they obey his word and lay hands on the sick, would they cast out demons, would they open the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf. Would they step into the calling of an Apostle?
Sometimes you don't feel ready, you still have doubt in your heart wondering if all the things you see on social media are even true, but how in the world are you going to find out if you don't GO and do it for yourself? He isn't going to give someone the title of an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Preacher, Teacher and then them sit on the couch and eat potato chips. His anointing is precious to him, and you have to steward the gift and show him that you are going to actually use it.
I heard someone say once, "I just want to see a creative miracle, and then ill believe it." I thought to myself, "have you laid your hands on someone who didn't have a leg and pray for the miracle? Maybe you will see one when you pray for the creative miracle. Maybe He is waiting on you."
So what if you pray for someone to be healed and nothing happens, DO IT AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN until it happens! Your not the healer, so don't carry a responsibility that isn't yours in the first place. Your job is to lay hands on the sick, pray, cast out demons, and obey the word of the Lord.
STEP OUT IN FAITH, not in YOU and obey the word of the Lord. He says the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. WHY? Because people are still relying on themselves.
During my time of learning to step out, the Lord told me once to remember these two things, "it's not about you, and do the thing you don't wanna do." Both crucify selfishness, which is REQUIRED to walk holy before the Lord.
These 11 disciples, some still doubting, stepped out even in their doubt and as they stepped out and obeyed THE GREAT COMMISSION they were delivered from their doubt.
The Lord wants to deliver you from your doubt. Whatever he has asked you to do, JUST DO IT! You are not going to have all the answers, your not going to have all your ducks in a row, your not going to have all the finances, your not going to be completely healed and delivered yourself. If you had all those things, it would be in your strength, and not his. You would be able to get the glory. STEP OUT in your weakness, fear, doubt, insecurities, and let Him get the glory.